• Appropriate sized crate
  • Toys
  • Age-appropriate food (Purina Moist & Meaty)
  • Collar (adjustable as they grow)
  • Leash
  • Food and Water bowl
  • Spot cleaner spray
  • Age-appropriate treats we recommend Greenies
  • Baby or dog gate (Optional)

Buy them a crate that fits them! Little puppies don’t need huge kennels. With too much space,
your puppy will feel like he’s got room to potty in his kennel and cause a mess. Too little space
and he’ll be uncomfortable while he’s sleeping or kenneled up.

You can cover this crate with a blanket for bedtime and naps to create a cozy space
where your new puppy feels safe. Keeping the crate in your room will help your puppy
feel comfortable and cared for as he learns to trust and rely on you. Leaving him alone
in the crate in another room might save you on sleep but it’s also a recipe for your pup
to get into trouble, have accidents, or feel isolated.

Puppies learn by playing and having stimulating, safe toys for him to use and play with
is a great way to help keep his mind sharp and help him bond with you. Choose a few
toys that you think will work for a puppy early on and purchase them before your puppy
arrives at your home. Then he’ll have his choice of fun things to play with at his new

We start the puppies out with Purina Moist & Meaty which as it’s soft for them to chew
and eat. All of our puppies will be sent home with a bag. Please try to purchase prior to
the puppy going home. By having this brand of food on hand, you’ll save yourself the
stress of trying to run out to the store in the first few days he’s at home to try to find the
brand he needs. There’s nothing better than a good meal and some playtime when it
comes to introducing your pup to his new home!

Puppies can have major digestive issues if you switch up their food sources too quickly
when you bring them home. Pick a vet recommended brand that’s specifically designed
for young puppies and ease them into it with a little bit of new food mixed in gradually
over time. We recommend transitioning to Purina Pro Plan Puppy when they turn 10-12
weeks of age. It’s very nutritious and high in protein!

Your new puppy will already go home with a collar and leash. However, getting one that
is expandable so they can continue wearing it as they grow and get older! Pick up a
collar and a leash that you like and that is easy for you to use before you bring your
puppy home.

Hopefully, your puppy will never run away but having a name tag with his name and
yours along with your number engraved on it is a great way to keep him safe. Bring this
name tag along with you when you pick him up so it can immediately be attached to the
collar and you’ll know he can be identified!

Pick up spot begone spray that will help eliminate odors from mishaps. Get good,
age-appropriate treats for training along with a food and water dish. If you’ve got stairs
or areas of your house where you don’t want the puppy to be when you’re home with
him, pick up a cheap baby gate that can be easily set up.

The big day is here! You’re on the road to go pick up your new furry friend and you need
to know what to bring along and the best way to introduce yourself to this puppy. After
all, first impressions are important!

Let your puppy sniff you as much as possible when you’re picking him up to take home!
This lets them get completely familiar with your scent. Once you’re in the car, let them
sit with you on your lap if it’s possible. If not, tuck them into a travel kennel with an old
t-shirt or blanket that smells like you and let them get used to your scent. Talk to them in
the car so they are reassured and become familiar with your voice in addition to your

House training your new dog is one of the hardest things you’ll do as a new pet owner.
Start it off right by taking them to their outside potty place as soon as you get home.
Riding in the car for a long or short time is a good way to shake things up and make
them need to go pee as soon as they get out of the car!

Take them to the spot you want them to use in the long-term as a place to go potty. Be
patient and if they do potty outside, praise them and use positive reinforcement like a
treat to begin cementing the idea for your young charge. They’ll soon catch on and be
excited to go outside to do their business!

Puppies are just babies and having too much happening all at once is a disaster waiting
to happen! As you come to introduce your puppy into your house for the first time, start
small with an area he can be comfortable in and that’s been thoroughly puppy-proofed.
Letting your pup roam free in your house can overload his senses and can be scary.
Start with this puppy-proof area and work your way up from there.

With all of the excitement around a new puppy, it can be hard to tone things down and
know what to do with the puppy when you first bring him home! Rather than letting
everyone swarm him and run the risk of overwhelming his senses, meet him
one-on-one in the area where he’ll be living.

Puppies learn fast! Start on the right foot by encouraging appropriate behavior early with
positive reinforcement and some yummy treat rewards when they follow commands.
Within your puppy-proof space, be sure to correct any biting, nipping, or chewing and
redirect them to toys or treats that they can nibble and chew. By using positive
reinforcement, you’ll set your pup up for a great first night at his new home!

Just like bringing home a new baby, the first night with a new puppy can be rough. Set
yourself up for the best night possible for both you and your furry friend by doing a few
things before and after you get your puppy home!

Everyone likes to have their own space to relax and sleep securely and puppies are no
different. Put a bed, an old t-shirt of yours, and a couple of safe toys inside their kennel,
and introduce him to it once you get home. Let them sniff around, put inside for just a
minute, and make sure they know it’s their safe place. You can drape a blanket over the
kennel to make it darker and more secure as well but determining if this will be better or
worse may take some trial and error.

Before you’re ready to tuck in your pup for the night, go outside and try to go to the
bathroom one more time. Give the command you’ve chosen and be patient! Puppies
are still learning and sniffing the yard or outside area you’ve selected for their potty
place and they may need to take a lap or five around before deciding to do their

Once you’ve taken the puppy outside for the last potty, set up your nightly routine. Give
them the command to kennel or crate and give them time to comply. This is a good time
to enforce those same rules as well and coax them with just a small treat to reinforce
the command. This is a good time to tell them good night and shut out the lights.

Puppies tend to sleep 15-20 hours a day so you should have no trouble getting them to
sleep through the night by the time they’re 10-12 weeks old. Once they’ve settled into
the routine and gotten used to their new environment, they’ll be able to easily sleep
through the night.

If your best friend in the whole world shuts out the light and is away from you, as a
puppy, that’s probably the worst thing you can imagine! You’re most likely going to cry a
little. And that’s exactly what puppies feel. Try as hard as possible not to give in to this
crying. Reassure them by repeating that they can go to sleep and give them time to cry
and settle in.

Resist the temptation to let the puppy sleep in bed with you the first night! Crate training
takes time, effort, and persistence on your part but it will give your puppy an excellent
place that they can call their own. They can always retreat to this kennel and crate if
they’re feeling threatened or just want a place to relax. Teaching that starts early and
when you let them sleep in the bed, they miss out on the first night in their new room.

Puppies are tiny and their bladders are even smaller! During the first few nights that
your puppy is at home, you’ll most likely be woken up in the middle of the night for a
bathroom break. Listen to them cry and respond quickly. Take them outside and be
patient. This is the hardest time to keep your cool and not lose heart. The puppy will
probably wander around and make a lap or two or five around your yard. Let them take
a lap or two or five and potty when he needs to. This is going to keep reinforcing the
need to go outside for any potty business no matter the time.

After the puppy does his business, reward him with lots of praise and some run around
time for a moment outside. By rewarding him with this play, he’ll get the idea cemented
that going outside is good for him and good for you. It won’t just be a chore for them but
a time to run outside and play after they do what they need to.

Bringing home a new puppy is all about adjusting. Your puppy is adjusting to his new
home and you’re adjusting to his habits, quirks, and personality! But this adjustment
does take time so don’t expect a perfect puppy overnight. By continuing to be consistent
with training and reassurance you’ll have your puppy set up on a schedule in no time!

Your puppies crate is their home and the safe place you’ve created for them in your
home. But teaching them to use the crate appropriately can be a trial.

Start by encouraging your puppy to go into the crate on command. Utilize a small treat
and lots of loud praise when they respond. Once they’re inside, shut the door and walk
away for a short amount of time. Wait until they’re quiet before you return and open the
door. Encourage them to stay sitting in the kennel until you give a command for release.
Puppies, just like babies, need naps. This is a great time for you to have a break from
watching them and for them to spend a little time in their crate on their own. They’re
most likely going to fuss and possibly cry when you shut them in but allow them to
adjust and settle down.

Dogs tend to become possessive of their food and it’s up to you to break the habit early.
Start by hand feeding your puppy each day at each meal. They’ll learn to share the
space around their food and be calm when others intrude on that space.
Keep the amount of food they get each day to the appropriate amount. It’s hard to resist
those puppy-dog eyes but keep extra food and treats out of reach and away from prying

Your favorite food may be hamburgers and fries or steak and Brussel sprouts but your
puppy and his tummy can’t quite tolerate this human food. Refrain from treating your
puppy with people’s food as it can easily upset his digestion. If you need a reward, rely
on puppy appropriate treats in the right size.
Lastly, feed your puppy on a set schedule. This will help you control the amount of food
they take in as well as when and where they’ll go potty.

It seems like one dog or puppy is never enough and if you’re introducing your new
puppy to an older dog, the prospect can be daunting. Much like your puppy is settling
into his new home, your older dog may feel that he’s been intruded upon with this new
ball of fluff! Keep the hair raising antics to a minimum by doing a little training with both

Start by introducing your older dog to your new puppy in a more neutral location like a
yard. Let them sniff and smell each other as this is the best way for them to get an idea
of the other one and their intention. Keep your dog on a leash so you can easily move
him away if he starts to pick a fight or get aggressive toward your new puppy.

Let your dogs become more familiar with each other through the safety of the
puppy-proof area or over a dog gate. Your puppy will stay safe within his gated area but
can sniff and “talk” to his new older sibling while they get used to each other.
Any interaction between your older dog and your new puppy should be monitored by
you or another trustworthy person in your family. Once older dogs understand that the
puppy isn’t a threat, they usually settle into the role of an older sibling and play and
enjoy the puppy but if they’re annoyed they can lash out.

This is the hard one! Potty training your dog takes a long time with some puppies
catching on in a matter of weeks and others taking months to be completely house
trained. The key to house training your new furry friend is patience, consistency, and

Start by taking your puppy out as soon as he leaves his kennel and before he goes to
bed at night. You’ll also want to keep him in his puppy-proof area of the house as much
as possible so he won’t find new areas to mark his territory by having an accident.
After every play session and time of excitement, take him outside to go potty. Puppies
often can’t control their bladders and during playtime, they often forget they have to go
until it’s too late. Taking them out after all the excitement will keep reinforcing the idea
that they need to go potty outside.

Lastly, take them out to the potty about half an hour after mealtimes. This is how long it
takes them to digest and waiting any longer may mean piles in your house when you
don’t want them!

Once you’ve completed a successful outdoor trip to the facilities, use positive
reinforcement to give your pup a reward. Use lots of praise, head pets, and some good

Your puppy is one of the best investments you’ll make and you want to spend your
entire life-loving, learning, and growing with him! To get started on this journey together,
you want to make sure that your first few weeks together should begin on the right foot.
Get in contact with a vet to set up a time for your puppy to get their third round of shots
and check out local trainers or puppy classes so they’ll begin to socialize with other
dogs and learn some good puppy manners!

Thank you for choosing Gorman’s Goldendoodles and we look forward to seeing
pictures of your fur babies as they grow!